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Monday, January 12, 2009

Breakfast Monday January 12, 2009

I had some mild indigestion last night. Perhaps this was due to my unplanned snack of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. If not, it certainly not didn't help. I woke up poorly rested because of that and my late-night editing session for Alex's audition tape. Cross your fingers for him.

So I skipped the eggs, and went with raw milk yogurt from the fresh batch I made overnight. It was good, but I think my yogurt maker may be failing, or at least not heating all of the containers evenly. I'm not sure how to test this out further, but with my new found food focus, I may dream something up.

  • Yogurt with
  • Large teaspoon of fresh nut butter
  • Banana
  • Granola
  • Coffee
  • OJ
  • Solgar Multivitamin
On the way to work I picked up half a dozen Empire apples at the Union Square farmers' market and ate one in the late morning.

One of my reasons for adding meat to my diet was to stop taking supplements. However, in the short term, I am taking more. Specifically a digestive aid recommended by Alex. A coworker also suggested a digestive aid, and warned me that it was part of the program. I think I am going to be sure to maintain a regular program of intense exercise and consistent fiber intake.

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