Twitter / omnivoremeals

Monday, January 19, 2009

Failed gymnastic fitness and gobble gobble

The last bit of the Crossfit Carnival I attended was really hard. It was a guest appearance of Keith from Crossfit Virtuosity. I made it pretty far into the class, but once we got to L sits on paralettes, I really started to fall apart. I sort of pulled off an L sit, but that was the last exercise I managed with any success. And calling the L sit I pulled successful is generous. So I made myself useful and took some pictures.

Tonight I finally cooked up the turkey breast I got last week. I continue to struggle to manage my inventory, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. I think.

I breaded the turkey breast, following this recipe. Simple, but probably a bit too oily. I sauteed some asparagus and made a black eyed pea chili loosely based on a recipe from this book. The pressure cooker continues to be a game changer. I'll be preparing meat in it soon enough, which will make it a game changer in the changed game. Take that Barack.

The turkey was quite good. I don't think I'll be making chicken again any time soon. Turkey actually tastes like something, and is as easy to prepare. That said, Dan was right that it probably would have been a bit too much to begin with. As I already said, fish has a simplicity to it such that even when eating it with the head on, it doesn't seem much like an animal. Chicken has the texture of muscle in a fairly animal way, but is so mild that the texture is all that I needed to confront. Turkey is the whole shebang.

  • Asparagus sauteed in olive oil and balsalmic vinegar with salt and pepper
  • Breaded turkey breast
  • Black eyed pea chili
I am one step further along the spectrum laid out by Matt. In fact, thanks to last night's duck, I am jumping around a bit.

From his email:
Luke I keep trying to put myself in your shoes and I keep thinking meat would be disgusting if you've never eaten it before.

Do you have plans for a steak?

I think in order of increasing grossness the order is this:

Fish -> Chicken -> Turkey -> Bacon -> Steak -> Ham -> Roast beef -> Duck/Pheasant/Pigeon -> Veal -> Lamb .

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