Twitter / omnivoremeals

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Breakfast Sunday January 10, 2009

Since I didn't work out yesterday and was still pretty full from last night's dinner, I had a modest breakfast. I'll also be at or near my apartment all day, so if I am hungry later, making a snack or small meal will be easy enough.

  • Coffee with milk
  • Glass of OJ
  • One fried egg
  • One piece of toast with butter and strawberry jam
  • Home made yogurt with fresh peanut butter and honey
Now, off to the farmers' market. Hopefully there are some winter greens available. At least there should be potatoes and apple. I already have some fairly fresh chicken breast for tonight's dinner. Eventually I will visit a butcher and a farm to investigate meat ever closer to the source. And yes, I will go hunting at some point.

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