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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rest day

Sunday is typically a day of rest, but as my grandfather says, no rest for the wicked. I'm actually not certain that's what he says. I do know he likes to say don't let the bastards grind you down. Regardless, lots to do today. Moving the scooter, working out, picking up around my place, hopefully a quick load of laundry, and Bike Shorts. No work out yesterday because they were fixing the roof at Crossfit Brooklyn. The blog hasn't been updated, so that may still be in progress.

For such a grueling day, the Classic was required.

  • 2 eggs fried in butter
  • 2 pieces of whole wheat sourdough toast with butter and blueberry-ginger jam
  • OJ (running down the inventory)
  • fresh-ground stove-top espresso with raw milk
Some further thoughts about the scallops from last night. They were like a very firm piece of tofu with the animal grain that I can now recognize. Tofu doesn't have this, but instead is uniform or has little bubbles that radiate. Animals striate. But the scallop's grain was very subtle, probably reflecting how much it actually moves and how prehistoric it is. There were occasional pieces of grit making me think I hadn't cleaned them properly. Marc assured me that was normal for shell fish, and that scallops were actually the least gritty. I suppose that's how pearls are made in oyesters. The flavor was very subtle, and overshadowed by the spices used. However there was still a very faint and not at all unpleasant fishy odor after cooking.

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