Twitter / omnivoremeals

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Breakfast Wednesday January 14, 2009

Back to the full monty this morning. Despite no workout yesterday, not finishing my shawarma meant I was ready for a little more than yesterday's breakfast.

  • Coffee with milk
  • OJ
  • 2 pieces of sourdough toast with butter and jam
  • 2 eggs fried in butter
  • 1 Solgar multi
Last night I didn't take the digestive aid, and I felt much better this morning. I think this was a case of the cure being worse than the problem. That said, my meat intake was low yesterday, with only a few bites of chicken.

Paul agreed that I ought to move on to fried chicken, but had no good recommendations for me other than Crown Fried. Which I am simply not ready for. He did suggest I contact Pete for fried chicken and pork recommendations. Leave it to a Korean...

Paulyou eat pretty healthy
12:13 AM
i try
Paul: you sure you want to eat meat?
me: i was on the path to righteousness at an early age
got back on it november
Paul: have you tried fried chicken yet?
me: for ac ouple months
no, it's next
chicken is boring
12:14 AM me: thought maybe
where is good but not disgusting?
Paul: you need some 'hood wings
um i don't even know
whats that place
pies and thighs had some good chicken
they open again?
12:15 AM me: don't think so
Paul: pete would have a good recommendation i'll bet
me: i will ask him
12:16 AM Paul: also for ribs/pork
me: kk
Paul: anywya, sorry to bother you
keep up the eating
me: ha
i need to go to sleep
12:17 AM Paul: yea
i'll call ya
me: later

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